Jan 8, 2012

Casablabla, Adelaide - 30 December 2011

Hot sunny afternoon, sitting in the shade in a great little court yard in Leigh Street, drinking a few glasses of rose.
Service not great, food acceptable. We had a tasting plate - plenty of food, bit dull (been there, had that), but still very edible.

Would definitely go again, particularly if I was looking for a pleasant spot to sit and drink (which all too often I am!).

Strangely the chairs are all chained down, so you can't move them. Decor a bit confused - I think it is meant to be morrocan, but is also has touches of Bali and India...but that's kinda OK.

10 years ago I thought Leigh Street was becoming more and more interesting, but like all of Adelaide it still hasn't changed much.

Casablabla on Urbanspoon

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